ELIXIR'16 Vol. 2 | Page 14

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Knowing the Pioneers

Erwin Schrödinger

Erwin Schrodinger was born on August 12 , 1887 , in Vienna , the only child of Rudolf Schrödinger , who was married to the daughter of Alexander Bauer , his Professor of Chemistry at the Technical College of Vienna . He was a prodigy with a broad education . After having finished his chemistry studies , he devoted himself for years to Italian painting . After this he took up botany , which resulted in a series of papers on plant phylogeny . From 1906 to 1910 he was a student at the University of Vienna , during which time he came under the strong influence of Fritz Hasenöhrl , who was Boltzmann ' s successor . It was in these years that Schrödinger acquired a mastery of eigenvalue problems in the physics of continuous media , thus laying the foundation for his future great work . It came as a result of his dissatisfaction with the quantum condition in Bohr ' s orbit theory and his belief that atomic spectra should really be determined by some kind of eigenvalue problem . For this work he shared with Dirac the Nobel Prize for 1933 . Schrödinger continued his research and published many papers on a variety of topics , including the problem of unifying gravitation and electromagnetism , which also absorbed Einsteinand which is still unsolved .