Elite Online Mag Elite 89 | Page 93

What was your favourite part of the shoot? Being naked in nature is one of the things I most love! Dolly Diamond. I think these girls are celebrities and stunning women! What’s your favourite part of your body and why? My legs. I love my legs because they are strong and covered in tattoos. What’s your favourite song currently? One of my favourite songs in life is Mariposa- DJ Koze. On a scale of one to ten, how good looking are you? Well may be a 8? What would you like Elite readers to take away from your pictures in our illustrious mag? I would love to be seen as I am. Simple, sweet and sexy. If you could model for any brand, product or company, which would it be and why? Killstar or Dollskill. Are my favourite brands. I would love to work for them. Describe your perfect photoshoot: When the photographer has a lot of experience and shooting is fast. He guides you in the poses and of course good hairstyle and makeup. You’re hosting an Elite sponsored jelly wrestling competition. Which four celebrity combatants will you book and why? I will choose the most beautiful ladies ever... Riae, Dannika Daisy, Bea Dux and How do you stay in such modelly perfect shape? Exercise? Diet? Good genes? Or luck? A lot of Muay Thai Boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and of course some good genes too. Photographer: Eze Villani www.eliteonlinemag.com 93