Elite Online Mag Elite 89 | Page 200

Drifting Lands Drifting lands is brought to us by France based indie studio Alkemi taking us back to scrolling screen space shooters with a hefty dose of RPG thrown in. Let’s start with what made Drifting Lands fun from the off: It does a great job of nailing what makes a good RPG so addictive. The Ark, your Space Station base, is equipped with a hangar that allows you to spend your hard-earned credits to upgrade your ship in a myriad of ways. By upgrading its core stats, which include Navigation, Power, and Structure, you can equip better armour, bigger guns and more powerful engines. In addition to outfitting your ship you can also select from over 100 skills (four active, and two passive) which offer a number of offensive and defensive capabilities. This is one of the places Drifting Lands really shines, and the endless drive of trying to improve your ship proves compelling, at least for a while. Where Drifting Lands differs to many other side- scrolling shooters is that it doesn’t throw you power- ups. If you want to heal yourself in the middle of a fight, then you need a healing skill equipped. Want to devastate swarms of the enemy at close range? then equip conflagration in a slot and watch them burn. Much like any traditional RPG, each of these skills has its own cool-down and warm-up timer, too. This 200 (PC, Mac, Out Now) means a lot of watching of those timers to ensure you are aware of when you can use them next and to strategically place the uses of each skill at your disposal. Where the game does not perform as well is the story. It’s a predictable, lacklustre tale, and often just feels like something getting in the way between just having fun scrolling/ flying while shooting down the enemy. Equally the dialogue, which is read rather than heard, is flat and generic, almost a paint by numbers and lacking real character. As you might expect, the gameplay does become repetitive quite fast which, when combined with the lacklustre story and dialogue means within a few hours your engagement with the game as a whole www.eliteonlinemag.com