Elite Online Mag Elite 85 | Page 40

What ’ s your favourite song currently ? It will always be “ Shine On You Crazy Diamond ” by Pink Floyd . But I am always listening to unusual stuff .
What would you like Elite readers to take away from your pictures in our illustrious mag ? I model because of the feeling . I like almost all kinds of pictures and I do lots of different stuff , from horror model to ‘ just naked ’ pictures , but I always want to tell a story .
What ’ s a guaranteed turn on for you ? Food .
Describe your perfect photoshoot : Oh , that ’ s hard . Probably it ’ s going to happen at the SG shootfest in France this year haha . But I would love if all shoots I went to , were different from the other previous shoot , with always new things to try .
How do you stay in such modelly perfect shape ? Exercise ? Diet ? Good genes ? Or luck ? It ’ s not perfect haha . I had bariatric surgery and lost 66 kg . I go to the gym , but not very regularly and I mind what I eat but not so much . I like getting massages though . Love it .
Photographer : Kalinca Maki
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