eed in a weary world
In the meantime, we’re reducing Local List encourages all readers
social contact. And so our local to continue to use their services
businesses are entering a quiet through these difficult times.
Businesses on the pages of
Many of these businesses Local List give us a vital service,
services please support them as much as
such as glazing, plumbing, possible.
repairs, health, gardening
and home maintenance. Most Shakespeare’s words from the
will remain open for business Merchant of Venice are apt...
and will continue to provide ‘How far that little candle
an invaluable service to the throws his beams. So shines a
good deed in a weary world.’
Most, but not all of the
events that are usually featured
in Local List have now been
cancelled. Please check with
organisers before leaving home.
Pubs, cafes, restaurants and
hotels are there for you to meet
up with friends & family. They
are there when you need them.
They need you now, so, when
possible, please support them
with your custom.
Remember, they depend on Now is the time for us to be that Easter (Friday 10 to Monday
little candle in these dark times. 13) approaches. Churches are
your custom.
following guidelines and will try
They are closely following the Stay safe!
to remain open. As always, they
Government’s Public Health
offer compassion and guidance
guidelines and are operating
through lifes troubles.
Publisher, Local List
their businesses safely.
David Thorley
We gratefully acknowledge the support of
businesses whose adverts appear in Local
List and whilst every care is taken to ensure
accuracy, the publishers cannot accept
responsibility for loss, damage or omission
caused by error in the printing of an advert or
editorial. Local List does not officially endorse
any advertising material included within this
publication. All rights reserved. No part of
this publication may be reproduced, stored
in any retrieval system or transmitted in any
3 without the prior consent of Local List.
Yo ur Busines s He re Your Event
Ca ll David no w
on 737286 Tell Local List about
your event & we’ll
publicise it for free.
Use the ‘Contact’ page at
from just £11.31 per wee k
Join over 300 busi nesses who
use Loca l List to get cust ome rs.
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