E.L.I.O.T.project_role play _If I were a MEP ELIOT project_ Role play _ If I were a MEP_english | Page 35

E.L.I.O.T. - ENHANCING LITERACY BASIC SKILLS AND FIGHTING DROPOUT WITH CROSS- CURRICULAR THEATRICAL EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING "IF I WERE A MEP" DOSSIER and Proposal template Topic PRESERVATION OF NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Country The Netherlands Political group ECR and EFDD. Subtopic description Proposal for environmental improvement towards the EU Political position on topic Proposal description Reference Law/Act Useful links The main goal of the EU must be that the countries themselves keep the control on how to organise it. We believe that you can´t make Europe wide rules to get the situation better in each country. As we can see with the CO2 regulation, the trade in CO2 rights causes that companies search for leaks in the system making the system useless and less transparent. For example when you buy ¨green energy¨ in the Netherlands this doesn´t automatically mean that you have energy without CO2 emission. Companies buy CO2 rights from other companies to neutralise their ¨dirty energy¨ and sell it as green. This doesn´t only ¨smell¨ bad, it also causes that the peoples of Europe lose faith in Europe. Another thing is about diesel cars, the politicians believe that if we have less cars on diesel we will have a better environment. They forget to tell that the only realistic alternative at the moment is using gasoline cars and they emit more CO2. Another alternative would be electric cars, but it wouldn´t be surprising to ascertain that the biggest share of electricity being produced also causes the emission of CO2 at the moment of production. We propose a system where the EU  abolishes the trade of CO2 rights and  stops further regulation on diesel cars and  focuses on what the individual countries could do. On the other hand we support the idea to help the industry switching to a cleaner production of electricity so that electric cars could become a realistic alternative for the situation