E.L.I.O.T.project_role play _If I were a MEP ELIOT project_ Role play _ If I were a MEP_english | Page 30

E.L.I.O.T. - ENHANCING LITERACY BASIC SKILLS AND FIGHTING DROPOUT WITH CROSS- CURRICULAR THEATRICAL EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING "IF I WERE A MEP" DOSSIER and Proposal template A file for each topic Topic Preservation of natural Environment Country Poland Politicalgroup ECR Subtopic description phasing out all diesel engines Political position One of the most significant conservation challenges Europe faces today is climate change. While we recognize the urgent need to address this issue, Europe needs solutions that work, and should not be to the detriment of jobs and growth. Our parliamentarians have been leading efforts to support the move to a low carbon economy, while acknowledging the differing capabilities of Membe r States to develop climate solutions that are economically feasible and implementable, and tested for their impact on European competitiveness. on topic Proposal Conservatives prepare short spot about the problem description Reference Law/Act Useful links http://ecrgroup.eu/index.php/ecr-policies/ecr-in-the-ep- committees/environment-public-health-and-food-safety/