E.L.I.O.T.project_role play _If I were a MEP ELIOT project_ Role play _ If I were a MEP_english | Page 28

E.L.I.O.T. - ENHANCING LITERACY BASIC SKILLS AND FIGHTING DROPOUT WITH CROSS- CURRICULAR THEATRICAL EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING  We support measures for the protection and sustainable use of vital natural resources.  We are therefore opposed to intensive farming as it causes damage to Europe’s ecosystem and biodiversity.  Policies and procedures , should begin, aimed at conserving the natural resources, preserving the current state of natural environment and, where possible, reversing its degradation .    We should promote laws against deforestation ,air, water and earth pollution and we should protect as much as we can the endangered species and the ecosystems . Alsowe must educate our children, the future of our society, and raise their awareness for these social and environmental problems, then we stand a much better chance at eliminating them. Proposal description Reference Law/Act Useful links     nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/conservation/ Protecting the Planet to Climate Change Environmental Champions from Conservation Mariah TingerBudd Titlow Prometheus Books (Nov 15, 2016)  Institute for European Environmental Policy https://www.greens-efa.eu/en/ http://www.ecogreens-gr.org/cms/