E.L.I.O.T._TPMs and TTLAs meetings Threads 5_TPMs_TTLAs_Blended Mobilities_THREADS | Page 10

LOST IN TRANSLATION AIMS It seems interesting to create a L.U. that takes into account the Communication role, that is by its nature: • necessary • inevitable • irreplaceable • constructive • vary • moving • aggregating • difficult • multi-sensorial • intra-generational It is necessary to communicate with teens, to answer to their need to show that they “exist” alone and with the others. There are many ways to do it. “I am here, I exist, because I dance, sing, draw, hug, write, communicate with gestures, pauses, violence and loneliness.” Communication is giving something of yourself… and it is also losing something of yourself. Very often it means we do not understand the other, or that we lose ourselves, it means we do not understand and we do not “translate” the other. There is always a “lost in translation”. School has to invest in resources as educational representative, to harmonize strategies in order to use and understand the different ways of the teenager’s communication. Dramatizing the communication helps interdisciplinary and can give different interpretations: performance and mise–en -scene, from sense to nonsense, use of films, comic strips, rebus and photographic material. Students individually or in groups will be: actors, set designers, directors, poets, and they will take inspiration from their everyday life.