ELIOT_Learning activities_Attività Didattiche 4_ELIOT_ Italia_Attività didattiche _Learning Issu | Page 6

Erasmus+ “ ELIOT” (Enhancing Literacy basIc skills and fighting dropOut with cross-curricular Theatrical experiential learning 3 rd VIRTUAL MOBILITY ASSESSMENT TEST : ENGLISH – IDIOMS AND PROVERBS Link the two halves http://uk2.hotpotatoes.net/ex/61709/NRCCUFAZ.php Complete the idioms http://uk2.hotpotatoes.net/ex/61724/YBUANONW.php Complete each sentence http://uk2.hotpotatoes.net/ex/61725/KBIFDEDG.php STEM – PROPORTIONS http://uk2.hotpotatoes.net/ex/61773/QTXAEMXL.php MOTHER TONGUE – COMMUNICATION Match the words http://uk2.hotpotatoes.net/ex/61791/ERGYKGXL.php Match the signs http://uk2.hotpotatoes.net/ex/61790/SVSVUKKE.php Classify the forms of communication. http://uk2.hotpotatoes.net/ex/61792/AYBUFCKA.php 2 nd Blended Mobility _ Chania Presentazioni PowerPoint_delle attività preparatorie per la Mobilità