ELIOT_Learning activities_Attività Didattiche 4_ELIOT_ Italia_Attività didattiche _Learning Issu | Page 25

Erasmus+ “ ELIOT” (Enhancing Literacy basIc skills and fighting dropOut with cross-curricular Theatrical experiential learning 1 st virtual / Poll on Topic Organised by Greece as all other assessment test https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScekr7Wx_OCRyy1UjJexI eFVfnlZ5kYT7GoTrgTELSFjmPAQA/viewform ......un Game - quiz sull'Unione Europea https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSff1CRuQ7hfHYy9m4pi cjvyR_U2YeQofCLo78DimYKSVGywhg/viewform If I were a MEP_ 2 nd virtual mobility PADLET _ activities on topics Hungary https://padlet.com/toldi_alexandra/z1d82hhcktve