E.L.I.O.T _Italia le unità didattiche Eliot_Italia_UDA realizzate x il progetto | Page 25

E.L.I.O.T. - ENHANCING LITERACY BASIC SKILLS AND FIGHTING DROPOUT WITH CROSS-CURRICULAR THEATRICAL EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING ID Number: 2016-1-IT02-KA219-024165 Learning Unit template Subject ENGLISH Title LOST IN TRANSLATION - IDIOMS Goals of the Unit Learning Outcomes  Explore the importance of idioms to learn a foreign language and culture  Realize that culture and language are inseparable  Investigate about idioms in their native language and in English  Enlarge vocabulary  Understand the meaning of Idioms and the differences among cultures to express the same ideas By the end of the unit students, should be able to:  gain knowledge about the topic  understand the link between language and culture  learn how to use drama techniques to convey information.  enlarge their vocabulary and cultural awareness Key competences Cultural and social awareness  Promoting communication in a foreign language and linguistic diversity  Learning how to use drama techniques to convey information.  Developing motivation, initiative and confidence, leadership collaboration skills, respect and gender balanced team work  Promoting speaking and written skills  Creating a digital book and/or a film Skills Contents ( Referring to a single competence) (contents for each competence )  Cultural and social awareness  Students will be exposed to a  Communication and language diversity different culture and social  Using drama techniques background.  Developing motivation, initiative and  Students will be exposed to a confidence, leadership collaboration skills, different language and a different respect and gender balanced team work way of using it.  Creating a digital book and/or a film  Drama techniques will help  Creating a flyer students to develop different skills. Target students/class Prerequisites 10th Form students. Ages 14/16 Students are expected to know some idioms and be able to research about the subject