E.L.I.O.T._2nd group_ Learning Units 14 SCHOOL PARTNERS | Page 25

E.L.I.O.T. - ENHANCING LITERACY BASIC SKILLS AND FIGHTING DROPOUT WITH CROSS-CURRICULAR THEATRICAL EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING ID Number: 2016-1-IT02-KA219-024165 Introduction: The teacher presents to the students the book on which they are going to use some theatrical techniques and finally dramatize it. Development: The students get a copy of the book. The teacher gives a short presentation of the characters and isolates the parts dealing with proportions. Result: The students have a better comprehension of the story of the book. The teacher discusses with the students how can Math be connected with a mystery book Tools: Book Assess: Each student chooses a character and presents him to the rest of the students. The student discusses what he/she thinks of his/her character and the rest of the students express their opinion on that. 5 th -7 th hour: Drama in Education Introduction: The teacher gives some instructions for the techniques “Visualize the story”, “Play the role” and “Conscience Alley”. Development: The students in groups co-operate, study the part of the book their characters are involved in, make proposals and find solutions to visualize the story Result: The first visualization of the story – photos and videos Tools: the scenario of the book. Self - Assessment: Each group evaluates the way of the other groups and proposes changes. Assess: The students working in groups “create” new characters and provide new problems which need proportions to be solved (from the area of physics, chemistry, math…). After these three hours the students get for homework their first final task: to prepare the final performance dramatizing the whole play- more rehearsals will be needed. Steps Scheduling activities , who do what, times, tools, assess 8 th hour: Music in Education Introduction: The teacher gives some instructions and examples how the students can use rap music in order to memorize the theory . Development:. Video of previous work done. Result: The students work in groups and get prepared for their second final task: to write a rap song dealing with the proportions. Possible topics: Thales (a short biography of the famous mathematician), Phi number, Physics’ formulas using proportions (velocity etc), Ratios,… Tools: Music themes, school books and internet to get information for the theory/person they are going to write a rap song about. Assess: The students working in groups choose their topic and start writing the lyrics of their song - more rehearsals will be needed.