Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 15 | May/June 2018 | Page 40

experiencing a different way of life by overthinking and regurgitating self-sabotaging phrases. Learning to recognize when we have those thoughts is key. At times like this, we are not actually in our bodies. One way to look at it is that these self-sabotaging phrases are not from us, they are from outside of ourselves. They are an amalgam of words we kept in the periphery of our mind over the years from our life experience. They are like comic strip thought bubbles of things that parents, teachers, bosses, ex-partners and friends have said to us. When we find ourselves in the midst of self-sabotage, it is good practice to recognize that we can end it. We can literally step back into our own body, and into our own thoughts, and step into our own, inner-knowing.

One element for a healthier life is that we came here to explore, to get dirty, to step onto the playground we call life, and to ask ourselves, “What brings me joy?” This can be a difficult question to answer. It’s easy to get conditioned to ‘our story’. We allow what others are doing and saying to interfere with our own wants. This leads us to experiencing similar vibrational energies as our friends and family, our boss and complete strangers. We stop not paying attention to all those shared stories and somehow end up submerged in a victim-type vibration which can make life feels unbearable.

When Sabrina started to feel her emotions and allow them to guide her, she experienced joy. “I believe it’s important for us to go with the flow. And, sometimes that flow becomes a class five rapid out of nowhere… and we might even wonder, am I going to be ejected?”

The intention is not to lose balance during the turbulent times. “This is one of the things that I do in my life and how I’ve helped others. If you remember, and I’m dating myself, those Bozo the Clown punching bags, when you punch it it would tip over and pop back up. We are like that Bozo the Clown punching bag, the universe is going to come to us and we're going to get an unexpected hit out of nowhere. We’re going to get knocked over. The question becomes how quickly can we get back up into our own alignment?”

“Shift happens. We can take those times where it’s ugly and not necessarily pleasant and turn it around more quickly. We can find the joy in the uncomfortable situations.”

Sabrina feels we came to this playground, our life experience, to play and to be joyful. Before the rollover, she did her best to crunch in quality time with her children and get all the errands run to support the household for the upcoming week. Her weekends were just as chaotic as the work-week. She wasn’t getting any rest or relaxation. “It moved from a place where I had to get all that stuff done to go play, to let’s play and have fun because everything gets done. When we play and have fun first, everything gets done because we are in a more joyful state. We are able to receive information we didn’t have access to before because we close off and disconnect from the information; focused on the next item on our to-do list. We are not allowing because we are focused on what we have to do.” This concept is easier to live than what we’ve been trained, which is to exchange time for money. The work hard, play later mentality can contribute to the sensation of feeling stagnation and unfulfillment on our life’s path.

“I feel like one of the ways I make a difference is by sharing my shit. By being a storyteller and not being afraid to bear what I've gone through to get me to this place of where I feel more confident in my life and in making my decisions moving forward. Helping people realize that they can do that, too. They can align, connect and make those decisions and move forward with that kind of confidence.”

The programs that Sabrina offers are beneficial to anyone wherever they are on their life journey. The four month online program she is releasing in May - Lighten Up - is specifically designed for individuals that are uncertain of the how to achieve their dreams. “Join with the intention that you are going to align to whatever your desire is during our time together. The program will build upon itself and allow attendees to integrate it; that seems to be the missing link in many programs. We hear all this wonderful information, yet it’s actually grounding and integrating it into every cell of our being that makes the difference.”

It’s important to live our life, however we define it, in a manner that brings us joy. When we feel our connection with Self and spirit, we create a ripple effect.