Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 15 | May/June 2018 | Page 22

are loving the other. My own personal spiritual growth has been a deeper love of myself, a deeper understanding of who I am and falling madly in love with me. Gone is the need to distract me from me.

When is the last time you sat quietly with your soul? Sitting quietly with your soul, helps your mind rest, your body relax and tension to flow from you. It is in the silent moments that your soul whispers the most incredible wisdom to you. This is also true of your cognitive function. As a Behavioral Therapist, I teach at-risk adolescents to accept their unique voices and to speak in ways that expresses them to their fullest.

Now ponder for a moment when you were an adolescent. How did you converse with yourself? Were you able to speak from your heart or were you part of the hushed generation? Do as I say not as I do; the hypocrisy that shined through generations that were taught to survive; and that expression was not important. Keep your head down, suck it up buttercup and move along there is not anything to be seen or done about it.

However, this is not an acceptable form of love nor the unity of Divine expression. Your soul’s expression is as unique as your DNA blueprint and only you can bring this forth. The adage stop and smell the roses is a certainty of soul expression. This is an inferential mantra to slow down, take a deep breath in, exhale and sit for a moment. Sit with you; you are amazing; there is not another like you. When the noisy distractions cease is when you are better able to hear your intuitive voice deep within. Do not shy away; allow yourself this nuance; allow your soul to softly speak to you. I do not know about you, but this feels amazing to me. The more I sit with my soul, the more the tension, cramps, and blocks release.

Three Amazing Ways to Connect With Your Soul:

1. Spend time in nature. Even if it is 15 minutes take this time for you. In fact, grab a glass of lemon water, wrap your hands around the glass and when your glass is empty go inside and write down anything that showed up for you. I am recommending that you wait to write, so that you may hear your soul speak; do not rush. Sweetly speak with you and your soul.

2. Do something that you love. Write, paint, sing, dance. Whatever it is that you love set 15 minutes aside every single day to enjoy,

3. Meditation is not only a great way to connect with your soul; but it is also wonderful practice to release tension, relax and help you restore yourself. This does not have to be a long length of time - as few as five minutes will do just fine.