Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 14 | October/November 2017 | Page 40

wishes to form a deeper connection with itself to truly know what Love is.

The concept of love that we humans often believe in is incorrect, love is not outside of us, and we will not find it in others. The reason for this is that ‘love’ is a state of being. Relationships work when the state of being for both people is one of unconditional love. Only then can we can become aligned and ‘as one’.


This is a subject dear to my heart because we can get it so wrong. When we finally get what balancing the male and female energies within us means, we are able to see those of different genders who are also balanced. Otherwise, when we are out of balance, we are not living in accordance with Universal Law.

Many believe the self to be our ego, but in truth it is our balance of male and female energies that is part of our self which then becomes the balanced frequency, and can raise its own vibration to match that which the soul is moving toward.

The Relationship Game

The relationship between the male and female energies within us play a part in how our life patterns play out and how our stories create the actions and decisions we make. If you cast yourself back to a decision you made recently, was it on impulse, an emotional reaction, or was it thought out and planned?

Our female energy is an energy that is fast moving and can't focus on one thing. It has to be doing many things to feel alive, and it runs in curves and waves. Male energy is slower and moves in a straight line. When these two distinctly different energies are in balance, that person feels whole and complete.


Watch your words

When we constantly blame others or start to beat ourselves up because we didn't get something done, this is an indication that we are out of alignment. The should and the should nots or the must haves are clear indicators of being out of balance.

Feeling in a Rut

Feeling in a rut means there’s a conflict with the masculine and the feminine energy and this needs to be sorted out. The best way to move through this is to identify what you are procrastinating, what your fear is, as it relates to the procrastination, and what you can do to move past it.


This is also a sign of male and female energies being out of balance. When anxious, remind yourself what helps you become calm. First, take some deep inhales and exhales. Close your eyes. Say the work inhale, as you breathe in, and say the word exhale as you breathe out. Notice your heart rate. Breathe in this fashion, extending the length of your inhales and exhales until you feel more calm. Once calm, make a list of things that make you calm. Keep them with you.

As you start to balance male and female energies, you may see that situations in your life will call for you to use one or the other and that is perfectly normal., Remember you have the power to know when logic is needed and when spontaneity is the best course of action.

To be in alignment is to be balanced, empowered, focused and living in accordance with the Universal Law. Next time a decision needs to be made, say it out loud and just ask what it is that you need for it to be? Wait for the answer to come from within. Your soul will answer conceptually visually, and even through a feeling.

40 | ElementsForAHealthierLife.com | October/November 2017