Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 13 | August/September 2017 | Page 19

basically forfeit the gifts waiting and available right in your pocket.

I am not talking about lodging a complaint when you didn’t get what was promised or paid for, or voicing displeasure for a really bad meal, or the inevitable disappointment over being wronged or discounted. There are definitely times when we must speak up to reveal something important in a situation or even a relationship.

I believe there are ways to voice how something might’ve been handled differently without giving access to that ever-present pickpocket. This can act as an emotional release that can keep you from holding in feelings that will eventually result in stress, anxiety and even slide into a victim mentality. It can also raise awareness or be a rally around something that needs to be changed. Feelings over something unpleasant or in common can build heart connection.

It’s about noticing when your overall mood and well-being is affected that you know the whining complainer has its hands in your pocket.

And guess what? This pickpocket is not invisible. You now have eyes to see!!