Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 13 | August/September 2017 | Page 15

Have you ever felt as if you're stuck in the muck? Yet, something comes along and pulls you out of that rut. It may be someone, something or somewhere that does the pulling. Do you allow your heart to follow that pull - or what we may even call a calling?

What seems like eons ago, I was a young girl who wished to travel and had the ultimate opportunity to do so. Sometimes what was wanted is not what happened. I am that girl who longed for travel. As a child, I would read books that others thought to be too old for me and fell in love with other countries and worlds. Yet, circumstances prevented me from following my heart. Motherhood set in and travel was quite difficult as a single mom with two Autistic children.

Still, I would read and imagine future travels. Life has an interesting way of changing on a dime. My life re-aligned to find true love, and one of his favorite ways to woo me was to whisk me off to destinations unknown.

My heart exploded with each twist of the steering wheel. The little girl in me giggled at each turn and mile away from the big city.

It’s been years since that first trip my beloved took me on. Recently, we visited that same small town, which has changed so much, and reflecting back, I feel my heart overflow with love. My beloved helped me fulfill my own dreams of travel and adventure. Our souls dance together with delight and love as we navigate life’s adventures together.

When is the last time that you went on a sweet adventure? Everyone’s will be different. Each one designed just for you and your soul to dance out loud. What I have found is that the less planned I am, the more I allow myself to flow toward the expansion and growth my soul desires. Perhaps for you, the research, planning, and exploration is the fodder for soul growth. Whatever the method, I encourage you to dare yourself to expand. I dare you to really notice what it is that last got you out of a rut, and to do more (much more!) of that! Your soul is meant to bring forth sweet joy.