Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 09 | January 2017 | Page 19

Elements for a Healthier Lifestyle Magazine Publisher, Founder and Creator, Cindy Kochis, is keeping it real. She's working her publishing magic on her terms!

I had the opportunity to sit down with Cindy for an interview on my Youtube show, Paint Yourself Into the Picture, as part of the Divine Feminine series (the show is broken up into different areas of exploration, such as ‘Healing Outside the Box, About Manifesting, Tea with Reba, etc.).

I laughingly titled the interview “Divine Feminine Tomboy Cindy Kochis.” Cindy's take on the 'divine feminine' might not match a stereotypical vision of what 'divine feminine' looks like (love beads and incense, anyone?!). Her style includes flannel shirts and frank talk. You might not catch her dancing in the moonlight. More likely, she’ll be laughing about her latest foible or face plant (her words, not mine!). She’s keeping it real.

Of course the incense and beads and tripping through the forest are just stereotypes. Through many interviews on my show exploring the divine feminine I’ve come to know that the 'divine feminine' embraces as many interpretations as there are people.

In fact the gift of the divine feminine is deeply rooted in breaking free of the need to conform to anyone else’s standards and expectations. It is all about following our own inner voice and honoring our own unique self-expression.

Cindy might not fit the clichéd image, yet her values reflect divine feminine wisdom in action:

-authenticity over appearances.

-vulnerability in the service of self-acceptance and encouraging others to live their dreams.

-a sense of caring, both for her readers and for her writers, as the primary animator of her vision.

-a mission to uplift everyone around her, along with herself.

To someone like Cindy, rising alone would be no fun at all! Her magazine is a little ship, sent out to sea, carrying all of her gal pals along for the ride. And when we get to shore – what a party it’s going to be!

The truth is, Cindy is creating more than just a magazine. She’s building a community. If you are reading this, then you are an important part of that community!

I, for one, am glad to be on board as one of the contributing writers here at Elements for a Healthier Lifestyle Magazine. Towards the end of the Youtube interview, in true divine feminine fashion, Cindy calls out to the viewers for new writers and contributors to the magazine. If you have that urge to share your story and your wisdom, this could be your opportunity.

If YOU have a dream still nestled in your heart, waiting to blossom, then you'll want to hear the story of how one woman is bringing her dreams to life, on her terms. In the interview, Cindy shares the call to write she felt as a young child, and the challenges she faced as she followed her heart and created Elements for a Healthier Life Magazine.

Get to know the woman behind the pages of this magazine. Meet the divine feminine tomboy who's bringing this exciting new project to beautiful life in our online community. Meet Cindy Kochis, Publisher, Elements for a Healthier Lifestyle Magazine, up close and personal!



in Flannel

By Reba Linker

January 2017 | ElementsForAHealthierLife.com | 19