Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 08 | December 2016 | Page 50

I believe in dreaming big, and having a clear vision of what you want to create in your life.

I loathe the practice of New Year’s resolutions.

It's the annual beat-yourself-up-about-everything-that's-wrong-with-you-and-your-life list.

Writing out resolutions is all about looking back at what you didn't do and what you didn't accomplish this year - and it usually goes back to the resolution list you created at the end of last year.

The energy of resolutions is negative; it's focused on (perceived) failures. Negative energy vibrations include blame, shame, guilt, anxiety and discouragement.

It's a natural thing to look ahead when the year is coming to an end - all endings make us question what's next, and all endings are new beginnings.

New beginnings inherently carry positive energy - hope, enthusiasm, excitement.

How can you capitalize on the positive energy of a new year? By cultivating the habit of setting intentions.

Intention-setting is looking ahead not behind. Have you ever said, “I'm really looking forward to that” about an upcoming event? I'm sure you have.

Think about that for a minute… how does “looking forward” feel? You feel anticipation, joy, excitement… possibility.

That's the energy of setting intentions - positive, uplifting, expansive.

Intention-setting is also about long-term vision, not short-term goals. Taking aligned action to create your vision is where goal-setting comes in. It's the nuts and bolts of manifesting… after you’ve already set it in motion by envisioning it and setting your intentions about it.

The intention - the vision - is creative energy. It comes from your deepest desires, your dreams and longings. It comes from the soul-deep urge to create.

Resolutions are surface wishes - being more organized, losing a few pounds, exercising more. They're an effort to put a patch on one small area of your life and they lose momentum quickly because deep down you know there's a bigger shift that needs to happen.

It's the proverbial putting the cart before the horse.

Intentions create foundations - something to build on over time. With resolutions, we go into the new year already feeling like we're behind schedule because we're trying to catch up on last year's failures.

When we set intentions to create something for the long-term, we infuse them with positive energy - enthusiasm, possibility, and hope.

Positive energy exponentially increases the ability to create.

In 2016, we’re coming to the end of a nine-year Universal cycle and 2017 ushers in a new beginning - the start of the next nine-year cycle. It’s a year that is infused with the energy of new beginnings and the opportunity to create exactly what you want to bring into your life.

It’s always important, when we transition from an ending to a beginning, to release old energy - negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, low vibration emotions, hurts and traumas. It’s exponentially increased right now: taking negative patterns into a new nine-year cycle

Resolutions or Intentions?

How Can You Create Your Dreams in 2017?

By Katt Tozier

50 | ElementsForAHealthierLife.com | December 2016