Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 08 | December 2016 | Page 21

4. We get easily distracted? To help keep focus, we should set a time to start the project and treat it like it was a meeting with an important client.

Unfortunately, procrastination will not only raise our levels of overwhelm and stress, but it can also harm our social relationships, since we could be putting a burden on others around us. People who depend on us (family, friends, co-workers, etc.) can become resentful.

We all know that success comes when we follow through on the implementation of our plans, when we persevere and stick to it. A good plan means nothing if we don’t stick to it.

I recently read a book by Lee Colan (Sticking to It: The Art of Adherence) and learned about the Adherence Equation, very worthwhile read. I recommend it. It is founded on research done based on life experiences of the highest-achieving people. These are the three success factors that high achievers practice:

1. They continually sharpen their Focus by keeping their goals visible at all times, trying to keep in mind that worry is mainly based on concerns in our minds that most of the time is not realistic. They also set boundaries around how they use their time.

2. They build Competence by preparing for two steps ahead, working on the current task but preparing for the next. They create templates, checklists, etc. for all the tasks that will be performed more than once. They always try to ask the right questions to get the right answers.

3. They ignite their Passion by being aware that they move toward their dominant thoughts and what they believe. They ask themselves, at the end of the day, if they did something that day that leaves a positive impact. Also, very important, they don’t “try”, they either “do it” or not.

Leave Procrastination for tomorrow and start doing what you need to do today … Keep moving forward!