Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 07 | November 2016 | Page 43

the source of my strength, my learning and my wisdom.

I’ve been on a healing journey. Through my show, Paint Yourself Into the Picture, I’ve come to learn of beautiful healing modalities that are transforming my experience and that of my clients. I keep learning more and going deeper into releasing the limiting beliefs of the past.

My core beliefs are inheritances from earliest childhood, and perhaps even beyond. I know it is time to let them go and experience the freedom and joy I’ve dreamed of for so long. I don’t particularly like housekeeping, but I am so grateful for the opportunity to do this kind of deep inner cleaning.

I love windswept hair, puppies, bubbles, beaches, and rainbows just as much as the next person,

but most of all…

I love life.

My love is not conditional.

My love doesn’t depend upon things being LOVELY.

It doesn’t depend upon the wheat waving in the field, or the sun hitting the morning dew just so. My happiness doesn’t hang upon a win at the office, or flowers from my husband, or anything else that is outside of me.

My love depends only upon me. It is a decision I make for myself when I choose to see the gifts in my experiences, even the gifts that may not exactly look like gifts at first glance. And so I joyously say that I love life in all it’s complex, gritty, bumpy, stubborn, mysterious beauty.

Life can be lovely, whether it’s happy or sad, rain or shine, mountaintop or valley. We need only remember that our experiences are happening FOR us, and not TO us, and we begin to embrace them all. And through that embrace of them ALL, we open ourselves to more and more goodness.

“April showers bring May flowers.” Corny? Sure, but still true! The song says it all:

Life is not a highway strewn with flowers,

Still it holds a goodly share of bliss,

When the sun gives way to April showers,

Here is the point you should never miss.

Though April showers may come your way,

They bring the flowers that bloom in May.

So if it’s raining, have no regrets,

Because it isn’t raining rain, you know, (It’s raining violets,)

(April Showers – Lyrics by Al Jolson)

May we always remember the flowers, even in the fiercest storms. And may we grow to love the storms not just for the flowers they bring, but also for their own beautiful, transformational, cleansing, essence.