Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 07 | November 2016 | Page 29

The Cycles of Change

Autumn is the quintessential season for reflection and release. I find being outdoors at this time of year to be particularly soothing. The lessons that Mother Nature offers are undeniable. All around me, I see colors bursting, leaves falling, and Her essence changing.

One of my most sacred self-care practices is walking on the nature trail of a local community park. Three sides of the trail are embraced by century old trees while the fourth runs parallel to the Ohio River. Through my ritual, I’ve learned that our Mother is a great teacher. She peacefully and naturally offers profound life lessons in the ever flowing cycle of rest, renewal, prosperity, and release.

Winter offers us the season of rest. There is importance and great value in becoming quiet and still. Here, the seeds we’ve planted are able to take root and germinate, and anything broken or unwell is given time to heal.

Spring assures us of renewal. This applies to our projects and dreams as well as to our mistakes and heartaches. Springtime helps us realize the benefit of hibernation and awards us with awakenings and bursts of life.

Summer boasts of prosperity. These are the times when we are outwardly flourishing. Like the sun, we shine brightly; and like the earth, we bear our fruit.

Autumn reminds us to surrender and release. In order to keep moving forward, like the leaves, we have to free ourselves from “what was” to be available for “what is to come.” Certainly celebrate the accomplishments of your bountiful summer season! Display your pride in a blazing burst of colorful glory. Then, as you feel a shift in the air and sense a hush in the wind, effortlessly let go of attachment and allow yourself to move onto the next season of life.

It is here that I find myself now, inside the season of release. As I walk the trail these days of November, and hear the crunch of the fallen leaves underfoot, I’m reminded to let go. It’s comforting being in this classroom and remembering this lesson. With each step, I give gratitude for the seeds that flourished in this current cycle of my life – even the ones that grew into challenging weeds as opposed to prosperous blooms. I take stock of the harvest and become aware that some of the seeds were perennials. They will continue with me into my next season of life. Others were annuals. Brilliant saplings appearing for this season only, offering their unique gifts and lessons for this particular time of my life.

While infusing the lessons of the fallen leaves, I come upon the river. Drawing a breath of cool autumn air I realize it, too, has a powerful message for me. “Go with the flow, My Dear Child. Life is much easier that way. When you fight the current you get nowhere and end up feeling futile and exhausted. Flow with the current. My current. The natural current of life.”

Of course, our lives’ seasons do not always run in sync with those of Mother Nature; but the metaphor She offers is powerful:

Life is a constant metamorphosis. In order to grow we must honor each of our seasons, and flow with the cycles of change.

As someone who prefers the sun and my seasons of summer, Mother Nature’s lessons can sometimes challenge me; but I know from this Great Teacher that if I can accept and model Her example, I will naturally move forward into the life awaiting me.

By Jen Flick