Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 07 | November 2016 | Página 21

Ever feel like you are always running out of time?

We often talk about not having enough time to get the things we want to accomplish completed. Rather than focusing on the seeming lack of time available, or complaining about not having enough time in the day; consider what you can accomplish.

Five Time-wasters:

1. Social media. If you’re using social media for business, limit the time you use to schedule

your updates versus viewing the activities of friends, family and colleagues.

2. Energetic drains. Look to see what people and/or activities drain your energy. When you

limit what drains you, you’ll get more done in a focused, energized way.

3. Time factor. We regularly underestimate how long it will take to complete a task. Be

realistic and plan accordingly.

4. Forcing. Are you trying to force things to happen in a certain time frame?

5. Pressure. Do you thrive on the pressure of working on a tight deadline? Do you feel

motivated to get started on a project the night before it’s due? Do you prefer to leave

yourself plenty of time? Know which method works for you and use it to your

advantage. Set goals appropriately to finish the task well in advance.

Five Tips to Get on Schedule:

1. Sleep! If we do not get enough sleep each night, our brains cannot function at peak


2. List it out. Write out a list of goals and tasks you'd like to complete. Next to each

item select a goal date to accomplish.

3. Time audit. Write out the various activities you do in an average week. Notice where

you spend your time on a regular basis. Can anything be eliminated or can you condense

the duration of time required to execute an activity?

4. Value. Value your time and other people will do the same.

5. Down time. Take mini breaks when you need them during the day to recharge and


It's About Time

by C.K. Kochis