Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 05 | September 2016 | Page 25

In Western culture we spend most of our time up in ours heads, our minds relentlessly churning away. You'd think that would mean we effectively stay on top of everything in our lives. In reality, staying too much in our minds means we miss a great deal.

There's a lot going on in our bodies that we don't notice, and the things of the spirit - our own and the greater spiritual essence - don't get fully realized in the physical realm when we aren't paying attention to what's happening in our bodies.

Right now, as you are reading this, are you in your mind or in your body? I'd wager that you're in your mind. You're reading and processing the words at an intellectual level only.

Have you ever been casually

reading something and

suddenly had a

moment where you've thought, “Yes! Exactly!” A moment where you discovered a shared common experience, a statement that validates something you believe, a concept that provides an answer you've been looking for?

That reaction comes from our spirit, and as a message from the spiritual realm. As you think about that time, take a minute to notice what's going on in your body right now. Even after the fact, the memory evokes a physical response.

When we stay too much in our heads, we miss the opportunity to ground messages from our souls into our physical reality. Bringing those messages into our bodies - giving them physical form - helps us to take a giant leap forward in creating desired change in our lives. It helps us manifest the things we desire in physical form.

Our bodies also continuously send us messages - messages that we largely miss because we have “too much on our minds.” How many times have you gotten involved in a project and eventually come out of the fog to realize hours have gone by, you’re tired, stiff, thirsty, hungry?

Connecting Your Mind Body and Spirit Through Yoga

By Kat Tozier