Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 05 | September 2016 | Page 13

What Size is the

Right Fit for YOU?

Did you ever buy one of those giant jars of mayonnaise at a 'big box' store?!

I have, and I couldn’t wait to get my fridge back!

I thought it would never end! It’s so big it takes up half the fridge. If you leave it out too long you feel guilty because you’ve lost a lifetime's worth of mayonnaise.

No matter! It’ll probably go bad inside your fridge, anyway, because WHO USES THAT MUCH MAYONNAISE?!

When my husband came home with one of those giant jars, I said, “Honey, we talked about this.” With a sheepish grin he replied: “I know. I just couldn’t resist.”

That’s the thing. The price is so darn seductive it's irresistible.

This same thing happens online ALL. THE. TIME.

Experts offer packages that include everything they’ve ever written, plus interviews with 30 guest experts, plus 10 recorded calls, plus 500 free gifts!

Every time you think they’ve come to the end of their pitch... “But wait! There’s more!” Like Ginzo knife salesfolk, out pops one more ‘irresistible’ slicer, dicer, chopper gizmo that promises to solve all of your problems AND wash your windows, too!

Like snake charmers, they wave their products in front of you until you succumb. Out comes the credit card. This is too good to pass up!

We all know what happens next.

The products are shoddy and don’t hold up. We use our favorite old knife all the time, anyway. The products clutter our counters, shelves and kitchen drawers. They trigger pangs of regret and guilt every time we see them.

Similarly, the course material we ordered online is downloaded in the click of a button, where it sits, mostly unopened, in our files. We lose the thread, misplace the password, fall off schedule, lose our momentum, and forget all about it.

Then we search longingly for the next irresistible buy that will solve all our problems AND wash windows, too.

And we do it all over again.

By Reba Linker