Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 03 | July 2016 | Page 11

Is it Time to

Barbecue Some Sacred Cows of Social Media?

Part 2

By Lorraine Monique “Lore” Raymond

While you might think that happiness is barbecue, friends and a backyard, it might also be time to turn up the heat on some sacred cows-- they can make for tasty BBQ! What are some of the ‘sacred cows’ of social media? Should they be challenged by a non-grillmaster like me? I’m no social media expert but like many, seek to grow my business. (On occasion, I have been called a ‘Top Chef’ by friends and family.) So, I’m rounding up three more sacred cows I’ve found lounging around,

unchallenged in the fields of social media. I’m taking them to the barn to see if they’re fact or fiction-- or both. You will ultimately decide the truth for yourself, and which ones to barbecue or not.

Put on your apron, grab a soda, beer, or glass of wine, and let’s start grilling! Here, in Part two, the intention is to consider three, new BBQ Rules for your business. They include: Marinate with Care; Cook Low and Slow and; Eat with Your Fingers.

Sacred Cow #6: Social media is an effective marinade to enhance business.

How many hours do you invest daily, weekly, and monthly in social media?

If you don’t know the

answer, start keeping a

social media log.

Time is money.

Every post, blog,

or tweet could

be adding to the

marinade of


it could be

enhancing your brand’s unique flavor. Before long if not checked, the marinade could overwhelm the original flavor it was designed to enhance—your brand. You’ll be posting, tweeting or blogging but perhaps not prospering!

Marinate with care.

Sacred Cow #7: Social media engagement guarantees business success.

Evanne Schmarder wrote in a blog post titled Social Media is Littered with Business Carcasses, “Social media marketing--on Facebook and elsewhere-- is not a ‘set it and forget it’ tool. It takes commitment, tenacity, time, and strategy to identify the best platforms for your business…”

A barbecue grill master will advise you that for the tastiest, lip-smackin’, grease-running-down-your-chin results, everything must be cooked

July 2016 | ElementsForAHealthierLife.com | 11

Photograph by Judith Clements