Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 01 | May 2016 | Page 4

On my walk in the woods this morning, I debated what my welcome letter should contain. The possibilities are endless. I could be cute and funny, serious and motherly, or I could simply be me and tell a story. After all that is the purpose of Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine – to share stories.

Being healthy goes beyond the food we fuel our precious bodies with; it is the relationships we maintain, how we earn an income, our spiritual practices, and body movement. When we are over-stressed, feeling deprived, it affects our state of well-being. Being in a state of a forced, or faked, positive attitude is not who we really are. We are who we are, and nothing could be more precious.

The crows cawing above are not comparing bank accounts, the squirrels are not slandering each others work ethic, and the deer really are not concerned with who's dating who. Yes, I'm being facetious, and yet I am not. It warms my heart, as the publisher and reader, that each story, article and recipe within these pages tell a tale in the writer's voice. Unique, powerful, authentic voices. The only carbon copy used is on page 17 where I share my story. As you read the words, may you feel encouragement from Kat, the intended reminder from Natasha, inspired to be adventurous with Lore, and enjoy a delicious meal with Tae.

I'm not everyone's cup of tea, but I am someone's fifth of top-shelf whiskey. I never set out on this journey to be perfect, nor would I want to be. It took me a long time to love me, for me – the authentic me. This is my wish, and hope for you: May you find love and support, the kind words when you need them and feel in your heart you're not alone; may you be entertained and learn something new; may your days be blessed and you find the feelings to acknowledge how perfectly beautiful you are in all your glorious authenticity.

Life is an amazing adventure; it was never intended to be lived in gray-scale.

4 | ElementsForAHealthierLife.com | May 2016