Elementary Student Handbook 2024-2025 | Page 77

WELLNESS POLICY ( continued ) 6142.101
• Schools will foster the positive relationship between good nutrition , physical activity , and the capacity of students to develop and learn .
• Nutrition education will be part of the District ’ s comprehensive standards-based school health education program and curriculum and will be integrated into other classroom content areas , as appropriate . Schools will link nutrition education activities with existing coordinated health programs or other comparable comprehensive school health promotion frameworks . ( A standards-based program is a system of instruction , assessment , grading , and reporting based on students demonstrating understanding of the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn ).
Goals for Physical Activity The goals for addressing physical activity include the following :
• Schools will support and promote an active lifestyle for students .
• Physical education will be taught in all grades and shall include a standards-based , developmentally planned , and sequential curriculum that fosters the development of movement skills , enhances health-related fitness , increases students ’ knowledge , offers direct opportunities to learn how to work cooperatively in a group setting , and encourages healthy habits and attitudes for a healthy lifestyle .
• Unless otherwise exempted , all students will be required to engage in the District ’ s physical education program .
• Recess and other physical activity breaks ; before and after school activities , and walking and bicycling to schools , where safe to do so , are supported by the Board .
• Schools will work toward providing sixty minutes of physical activity daily for students ( as a best practice ).
Nutrition Guidelines for Foods Sold in Schools
Students will be offered , and schools will promote nutritious food choices consistent with the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans and My Plate , published jointly by the U . S . Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture , and guidelines promulgated by the Connecticut Department of Education (“ Connecticut Nutrition Standards for Foods in Schools ”) in addition to federal and state statutes and national health organizations . The focus is on moderating calories , limiting fats , sodium , and sugars , and increasing consumption of nutrient-rich foods such as fruits , vegetables , whole grains , low-fat dairy , lean meats , and legumes . In addition , in order to promote student health and reduce childhood obesity , the Superintendent or designee shall establish such administrative procedures to control food and beverage sales that compete with the District ’ s nonprofit food service in compliance with the Child Nutrition Act . The District shall