Elementary Student Handbook 2024-2025 | Page 65

his / her graduation from high school , whichever comes first . A parent guide to special education is available in each principal ’ s office .
Related services available to Enfield ’ s children include : individual evaluations , speech and language therapy , school counseling services , adaptive physical education , occupational therapy , physical therapy , and special transportation . Every child who is eligible for special education is also eligible for related services as needs are identified by the PPT . Goals and objectives are stated in writing in the Individualized Educational Program ( IEP ) of the student .
SECTION 504 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a broad civil rights law which protects the rights of individuals with handicaps and bars discrimination based on disability . The act protects all school-aged children as handicapped who meet the definition of qualified handicapped person : ( 1 ) has or ( 2 ) has had a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits a major life activity , or ( 3 ) is regarded as handicapped by others . Federal and State regulations require that reasonable accommodations be implemented to provide a free appropriate public education for the handicapped student .
SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS Special education services are provided by certified teachers , therapists , or other providers in the least restrictive environment . Appropriate services are determined by the PPT and described in the student ’ s Individualized Educational Program ( IEP ), which is reviewed annually .
A full continuum of programs and services are available to identified students , ages 3-22 . Specific information concerning services is available from your building principal or from Pupil Personnel Services .
Program for Students who are Home-Schooled – Notice of Intent : Instruction of Student at Home must be completed annually by the parent . Forms are available through the Pupil Services office at 860-253- 6518 .
TESTING PROGRAM In 2010 , the State of CT adopted the Connecticut Core Standards , ( CCS ). These standards are designed to ensure all students are college and career ready in literacy and numeracy upon high school graduation . The Smarter Balanced Assessments ( SBA ) measure students ’ progress towards mastery in literacy and numeracy . Students are assessed in Grades 3-8 . The Next Generation Science Standards ( NGSS ) was adopted in 2015 . Students are assessed on the NGSS Assessments in Grades 5 , 8 , and 11 .
All children who apply for enrollment in school must present a birth certificate along with proof of residency ( 2 current dated documents ; for example , utility bill , lease ), health assessment , and immunizations . To be enrolled in kindergarten in September , a child must be five years of age on or before September 1st of that school year .
During the summer , parents can register online at www . enfieldschools . org , or by calling the Board of Education at during the school year , parents can register their child ( ren ) at the home school between the hours of 9:00-11:30 AM and 1:00-2:30 PM .