Elementary Student Handbook 2024-2025 | Page 54

HEALTH SERVICES ( continued )
Communicable Disease Control ( continued )
Students must return to school with a note from their parent / guardian stating a reason for absence . Notes from health care professionals should be provided when appropriate .
Health Assessment It is the responsibility of the parents to provide school authorities ( principals , nurses ) with proof of a pre-entry health assessment *.
In addition , health assessments * are also mandatory in grades 6 and 10 . For those students eligible for free or reduced priced lunch , the Enfield Public Schools will provide the health assessment in grades 6 and 10 , if parents request .
* Exceptions Those who present a statement from parents or guardian that the health assessment would be contrary to the religious beliefs of the child .
Illness and Injuries Students needing attention for illness or minor injuries will be cared for by the school nurse or in case of his / her absence , other school personnel . If it is necessary for a child to be sent home due to a serious accident or illness , the parent will be notified . The parent or his or her designee is expected to pick up the child in the school office as soon as possible .
It is vital that parents arrange to provide two emergency names and telephone numbers for the school ’ s use in the event a parent cannot be contacted by telephone either at home or at his / her place of employment . The school must be notified of any changes in telephone numbers , including unlisted numbers and healthcare providers , in order to keep this information current . Unlisted numbers are kept strictly confidential .
Students absent or dismissed from school during the school day due to health reasons will not be allowed to participate in after school or evening events that day .
Immunizations Each child shall be immunized against poliomyelitis , measles , mumps and rubella , diphtheria , tetanus , pertussis ( whooping cough ), varicella , hepatitis A & B , and hemophilus influenza Type B before being permitted to attend school . For students entering the Enfield Public Schools from out-of-state must be assessed for risk of tuberculosis . If the student is determined to have a high level of risk , a mantoux ( TB test ) must be planted and read by the health care provider prior to entry . For individualized grade requirements , please see the Health Services Manual available at your school . Standards of proof of immunization or verification shall be those established by statute and regulation .
School Nurses Each elementary school has a full-time registered nurse assigned . The nurse is available for first aid procedures and the administration of medicines ( by physician ’ s orders only ). School nurses do not diagnose specific illnesses . In the case of illness , you will be notified so that medical diagnosis and necessary treatment can be secured from your physician .