Elementary Student Handbook 2024-2025 | Page 45

CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE ( continued ) 5131 ( Pages 3-5 Only )
Actions Leading to Disciplinary Action , Including Suspension and / or Expulsion ( continued )
23 . Use of or copying of the academic work of another individual and presenting it as the student ’ s own work , without proper attribution .
24 . Possession and / or use of a radio , walkman , beeper , paging device , cellular telephone , walkie talkie or similar electronic device on school grounds or at a school-sponsored activity without the written permission of the Principal or his / her designee .
25 . Unauthorized use of any school computer , computer system , computer software , Internet connection or similar school property or system , or the use of such property or system for unauthorized or nonschool related purposes .
26 . Possession and / or use of a laser pointer . 27 . Hazing . 28 . Bullying .
29 . Cyberbullying that creates a hostile environment at school for any student ( a ) infringes on the rights of a student at school or ( b ) substantially disrupts the educational process or orderly operation of the school .
30 . Any act of discrimination and / or retaliation against a person who reports or assists in the investigation of a bullying complaint .
31 . Any other violation of school rules or regulations or a series of violations which makes the presence of the student in school seriously disruptive of the educational process and / or a danger to persons or property .
32 . Any action prohibited by any Federal or State law which would indicate that the student presents a danger to any person in the school community or school property .
Refer to Policy # 5131 for more information