Elementary Student Handbook 2024-2025 | Page 31

BULLYING ( continued ) 5131.911
Safe School Climate Plan ( continued )
12 . Prohibit bullying ( A ) on school grounds , at a school-sponsored or school-related activity , function or program whether on or off school grounds , at a school bus stop , on a school bus or other vehicle owned , leased or used by the Board or through the use of an electronic device or an electronic mobile device owned , leased or used by the Board and ( B ) outside of the school setting if such bullying ( i ) creates a hostile environment at school for the student against whom such bullying was directed , ( ii ) infringes on the rights of the student against whom such bullying was directed at school , or ( iii ) substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school ;
13 . Require , at the beginning of each school year , each school to provide all school employees with a written or electronic copy of the school district ’ s Safe School Climate Plan ; and
14 . Require that all school employees annually complete the training described in C . G . S . 10- 220a , as amended .
The Board of Education shall publish on the District ’ s website the plain language explanation of the rights and remedies available under C . G . S . 10-4a and C . G . S . 10-4b .
The Board of Education , in consultation with the State Department of Education ( SDE ) and the social and emotional learning and school climate advisory collaborative , shall provide on the SBE ’ s website training materials to school administrators regarding bullying prevention and intervention .
( cf . 0521 – Nondiscrimination )
( cf . 4131 – Staff Development )
( cf . 5114 – Suspension and Expulsion / Due Process )
( cf . 5131 – Conduct )
( cf . 5131.21 – Violent and Aggressive Behavior )
( cf . 5131.8 – Out-of-School Misconduct )
( cf . 5131.912 – Aggressive Behavior )
( cf . 5131.913 – Cyberbullying )
( cf . 5131.91 – Hazing )
( cf . 5144 – Discipline / Punishment )
( cf . 5145.4 – Nondiscrimination )
( cf . 5145.5 – Sexual Harassment )
( cf . 5145.51 – Peer Sexual Harassment )
( cf . 6121 – Nondiscrimination )
( cf . 6121.1 – Equal Educational Opportunity )
Legal Reference : Connecticut General St Statutes 1 0-15b Access of parent or guardian to student ’ s records . Inspection and subpoena of school or student records . 10-220a Inservice training 10-222d Policy on bullying behavior as amended by PA 08-160 , P . A . 11- 232 , P . A . 14-172 and PA 18-15 and PA 19-166 . 10-222g Prevention and intervention strategy re bullying and teen dating violence 10-222h Analysis of school districts ’ efforts re prevention of and response to bullying in schools . School climate assessment instruments 10-222k District safe school climate coordinator . Safe school climate specialist . Safe school climate committee ( as amended by PA 21-95 , Section 14 ) 10-233 Review of school climate plans by Department of Education 10-233a through 10-233f P . A . 06-115 An Act Concerning Bullying Policies in Schools and Notices Sent to Parents or Legal Guardians . P . A . 19-166 An Act Concerning School Climates P . A . 21-95 An Act Concerning Assorted Revisions and Additions to the Education Statutes
Adopted :
January 24 , 2012
Revised :
March 27 , 2012
Revised :
May 12 , 2015
Adopted :
February 23 , 2021
Revised :
May 10 , 2022