Elementary Student Handbook 2024-2025 | Page 26

BULLYING ( continued ) 5131.911
Bullying , Teen Dating Violence Prevention , and Intervention ( continued )
15 . Requires the principal of a school or the principal ’ s designee , to notify the appropriate local law enforcement agency when such principal or the principal ’ s designee believes that any acts of bullying constitute criminal conduct ;
16 . Prohibits bullying ( A ) on school grounds , at a school-sponsored or school-related activity , function or program whether on or off school grounds , at a school bus stop , on a school bus or other vehicle owned , leased or used by a local or regional board of education , or through the use of an electronic device or an electronic mobile device owned , leased or used by the local or regional board of education , and ( B ) outside of the school setting if such bullying ( i ) creates a hostile environment at school for the student against whom such bullying was directed , ( ii ) infringes on the rights of the student against whom such bullying was directed at school , or ( iii ) substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school ;
17 . Requires , at the beginning of each school year , for each school to provide all school employees with a written or electronic copy of the school district ’ s safe school climate plan ; and
18 . Requires all school employees to annually complete the training required by C . G . S . 10-220a , or 10- 222j , as amended . Such training shall include identifying and responding to bullying and preventing and responding to youth suicide ;
19 . As required , the Board of Education shall approve the safe school climate plan developed pursuant to statute and submit such plan to the Department of Education for its review , analysis , cooperative assistance and approval not later than July 1 , 2014 ; and
20 . Requires that not later than thirty calendar days after approval by the State Department of Education , the safe school climate plan shall be made available on the Board ’ s and each individual school in the District ’ s Internet website and such plan is to be included in the District ’ s publication of the rules , procedures and standards of conduct for schools and in all student handbooks .
The Board expects prompt and reasonable investigations of alleged acts of bullying and teen dating violence . The safe school climate specialist of each school is responsible for handling all complaints of alleged bullying and teen dating violence . The safe climate specialist shall investigate or supervise the investigation of all reports of bullying and teen dating violence promptly .
In addition , the norms that are established by adults through consistent enforcement of all policies pertaining to conduct and modeling appropriate behavior at school and at home will reduce the instances and damage of bullying and teen dating violence . It is necessary for students to promote the concept that caring for others is a valued quality , one that is accepted and encouraged .
Prevention and Intervention Strategy
The District shall implement , as required by C . G . S . 10-222g , as amended , a prevention and intervention strategy which may include , but is not limited to :