Elementary Student Handbook 2024-2025 | Page 23

BULLYING ( continued ) 5131.911
Bullying , Teen Dating Violence Prevention , and Intervention ( continued )
“ Outside of the school setting ” means at a location , activity or program that is not school related , or through the use of an electronic device or a mobile electronic device that is not owned , leased or used by a local or regional board of education .
“ School employee ” means ( A ) a teacher , substitute teacher , school administrator , school superintendent , guidance counselor , school counselor , psychologist , social worker , nurse , physician , school paraprofessional , or coach employed by a local or regional board of education or working in a public elementary , middle , or high school ; or ( B ) any other individual who , in the performance of his or her duties , has regular contact with students and who provides services to or on behalf of students enrolled in a public elementary , middle , or high school , pursuant to a contract with the local or regional board of education .
“ School climate ” means the quality and character of school life based on patterns of students , parents ’ and guardians ’, and school employees ’ experiences of school life , including , but not limited to , norms , goals , values , interpersonal relationships , teaching and learning practices , and organizational structures .
“ Positive school climate ” means ( A ) a school climate in which the norms , values , expectations and beliefs that support feelings of social , emotional and physical safety are promoted , ( B ) students , parents and guardians of students and school employees feel engaged and respected and work together to develop and contribute to a shared school vision , ( C ) educators model and nurture attitudes that emphasize the benefits and satisfaction gained from learning , and ( D ) each person feels comfortable contributing to the operation of the school and care of the physical environment of the school .
“ Emotional intelligence ” means the ability to ( A ) perceive , recognize , and understand emotions in oneself or others , ( B ) use emotions to facilitate cognitive activities , including , but not limited to , reasoning , problem solving and interpersonal communication , ( C ) understand and identify emotions , and ( D ) manage emotions in oneself and others .
“ Social and emotional learning ” means the process through which children and adults achieve emotional intelligence through the competencies of self-awareness , self-management , social awareness , relationship skills and responsible decision-making .
Examples of Bullying include , but are not limited to :
1 . physical violence and attacks 2 . verbal taunts , name-calling and put-downs including ethnically based or gender-based verbal put-downs 3 . threats and intimidation 4 . extortion or stealing of money and / or possessions 5 . exclusion from peer groups within the school 6 . The misuse of electronic communications for the purpose of bullying , harassing , or sexually harassing other students within school or out of school (“ cyberbullying ”)
7 . Targeting of a student based on the student ’ s actual or perceived “ differentiating ” characteristics such as race ; color ; religion ; ancestry ; national origin ; gender ; sexual orientation ; gender identity or expression ; socioeconomic or academic status ; physical appearance ; or mental , physical , developmental , or sensory disability .