Elementary Student Handbook 2024-2025 | Page 13

In accordance with state and federal regulations , an Asbestos Management Plan has been developed for all school buildings in the Enfield Public Schools System . The District has on file plans showing the location of asbestos in each building and measures undertaken to comply with regulations to maintain a safe school environment . A copy of the Management Plan for each specific school building is kept in the Principal ’ s office for that respective school . The designated person for the Asbestos Program is Deputy Andrew Longey and he can be contacted at ( 860 ) 253-6533 or at alongey @ enfieldschools . org .
There are times when classes , grades , teams , or the entire school may gather for assembly programs . These programs are arranged to bring information or entertainment to the student community . A student ’ s conduct in assemblies must meet the same standards as in the classroom .
Attendance / Excuses / Dismissal
Connecticut state law requires parents to cause their children , ages five through eighteen inclusive , to attend school regularly during the hours and terms the public school is in session . Parents or persons having control of a child five ( 5 ) years of age have the option of not sending the child to school until ages six or seven . Mandatory attendance terminates upon graduation or withdrawal with written parent / guardian consent at age seventeen .
A student is considered to be “ in attendance ” if present at his / her assigned school , or an activity sponsored by the school ( e . g ., field trip ), for at least half of the regular school day . A student who is serving an out-ofschool suspension or expulsion should always be considered absent . A student not meeting the definition of “ in attendance ” shall be considered absent .
Classroom learning experiences are the basis for public school education . Time lost from class is lost instructional opportunity . The Board of Education requires that accurate records be kept of the attendance of each child , and students should not be absent from school without parental knowledge and consent .
Definitions ( related to chronic absenteeism )
Chronically absent child : An enrolled student whose total number of absences at any time during a school year is equal to or greater than ten percent of the total number of days that such student has been enrolled at such school during such school year .
Absence : An excused absence , unexcused absence , or disciplinary absence , as those terms are defined by the State Board of Education pursuant to C . G . S . 10-198b .
District chronic absenteeism rate : The total number of chronically absent children in the previous school year divided by the total number of children under the jurisdiction of the Board of Education for such school year .
School chronic absenteeism rate : The total number of chronically absent children for a school in the previous school year divided by the total number of children enrolled in such school for such school year