Elementary Student Handbook 2021-22 11.01.21 | Page 53

The Board of Education believes that the education of children is a cooperative effort among the parents , school and community . In this policy the word “ parent ” also includes guardians and other family members involved in supervising the child ’ s schooling .
We believe as research demonstrates , that increased parent involvement improves student achievement . Parent involvement initiatives in the school system will accommodate diversity , be flexible and creative , promote effective two-way communication , and offer opportunities for all parents to participate . The implementation of this policy is the responsibility of all district staff .
Parent involvement activities will be coordinated at the district level . Each school will develop an annual plan for parent involvement activities . It is expected that this will create opportunities for collaboration between and among schools . The Superintendent will report annually to the Board of Education on district and school parent involvement activities . Requirements for state and federally funded programs will be met .
Legal Reference : Connecticut General Statutes
10-221 ( f ) Boards of Education to prescribe rule ( s ), policies , and procedures as amended by PA 97-290
Students are required to wear the proper clothing and sneakers to school for the physical education classes .
Pupil Personnel Services provides a range of services to accommodate the needs of students who have been identified as eligible for special education services through the Planning and Placement Team ( PPT ) process . Services may include : speech / language , counseling , occupational and physical therapy , and specialized instruction . Services are provided in the least restrictive environment .
Pupil Personnel Services is also responsible for school health policies , the school nursing program , custody and maintenance of confidentiality of school records , home instruction for those students who are physically unable to attend school , individual student evaluations for disabilities , and identification for giftedness .
CONFIDENTIALITY OF STUDENT RECORDS Confidentiality of student records is strictly maintained in accordance with FERPA ( Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ). Only authorized school personnel involved with the student ’ s educational program may have access to a student ’ s record . Parents or legal guardians have the right to review their child ’ s record and may do so with a school official present following a written request for an appointment for this purpose . No information will be sent to another agency without the written consent of the parent or guardian or student of legal age . However , the school does have the right to send grades and attendance records upon the request of another school agency to whom a student has already transferred without prior authorization to release information . Once a student attains the legal age of eighteen , all rights to review or release his / her school records are assumed by the student .