During the summer , parents can register online at www . enfieldschools . org , or by calling the Board of Education at during the school year , parents can register their child ( ren ) at the home school between the hours of 9:00-11:30 AM and 1:00-2:30 PM .
Students in grades K-5 will receive a report card three times a year . Each marking period , parents / guardians will receive a copy of their child ’ s report card .
PROGRESS REPORT AND REPORT CARD SCHEDULE * First Marking Period : August 29 th to November 1 st
* Second Marking Period : November 4 th to February 21 st * Third Marking Period : February 24 th to June 4 th
Progress Report |
Marks Close * |
Report Cards Issued |
November 1 st |
November 7 th |
January 17 th |
February 21 st |
March 7 th |
April 29 th |
June 4 th |
Last Day |
* If snow days occur , dates may be adjusted to the number of snow days used .
GRADE K-5 PARENT GUIDE TO STANDARDS-BASED REPORT CARDS Your child ’ s standards-based report card lists the most important skills students should learn by the end of the school year in each subject at a particular grade level and is based on the Connecticut Core Standards . Instead of traditional letter grades , students receive marks that show how well they have mastered the skills and knowledge included in each grade level ’ s standards .
Teachers use a variety of assessments , including observations and evidence collected , during the course of the grading period , to determine each student ’ s level of proficiency . On your child ’ s standards-based report card , you will see that each subject area is divided into a list of skills and knowledge that your child will be expected to learn by the end of the school year . Your child will receive a separate mark for each standard , which will indicate how well she / he is performing relative to grade-level standards during that marking period .
Academic achievement for students in grades K-5 in Language Arts and Mathematics is based on the domains below :
Language Arts Mathematics
Foundational Skills |
Mathematical Practices |
Reading Literature & Informational Texts |
Counting & Cardinality ( Kindergarten only ) |
Language |
Operations & Algebraic Thinking |
Writing |
Measurement & Data |
Speaking & Listening |
Geometry |
At the elementary level , there are three reporting intervals . For the first two intervals , students are assessed on their progress toward end-of-year standards . In the final reporting interval , the report card grades reflect a student ’ s actual achievement of the cumulative skills , strategies , and concepts identified in the