Electronic Sound July 2015 (Regular Edition) | Page 5

CONTENTS WHAT’S INSIDE FE ATUR E DJ Shadow Curiosity got the better of us when we heard the latest release from Shadow’s superb Liquid Amber label. “Who are the shady characters behind Nite School Klik?” we asked. Yeah, yeah, should’ve seen it coming... TECH PLOytec PI L Squared Synth What on earth is this tiny little thing then? No bigger than a matchbox, it’s a teenyweeny German-made synth. We put it through its paces. Did it measure up? Readers’ Synths Will you look at the dials on that? We’re going to ask if we can touch them. Are they real? Original, you say. Well, well. This month, our reader’s choice is the ROLAND JUPITER 4 ROB PAPEN’S EX’ PLORER III REVIEW Says here this is “an awardwinning collection of virtual instruments and critically acclaimed effects plug-ins”. Well, is it? We fire it up and find out iVCS3 REVIEW Struggling to scrape together the readies for a real EMS VCS3? We’ve been saving up for a while, but kept raiding the fund for chocolate. Thank goodness then for this iPad app ALBUM R EV I EWS HERBERT, HUDSON MOHAWKE, THE ORB, BUREAU B BY RICHARD FEARLESS, EVERYTHING EVERYTHING, JENNY HVAL, GARETH WHITEHEAD, JAGA JAZZIST, UNITS, RP BOO... and a whole load more