Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Market Global Analysis 2020 January 2017 | Page 4

Global Electronic Design Automation ( EDA ) Market : Size , Trends and Forecasts ( 2016-2020 ) Table of Contents
1 . Executive Summary 2 . Introduction 2.1 Introduction to Electronic Design Automation ( EDA ) 2.2 Electronics Design Automation Value Chain 2.3 Electronics Design Automation Process Flow 2.4 Electronic Design Automation Market Segments 3 . Global Market Analysis 3.1 Global EDA Market by Value 3.2 Global EDA Market by Segments 3.2.1 Global EDA Semiconductor Intellectual Property ( SIP ) Market by Value 3.2.2 Global EDA Computer-Aided Engineering ( CAE ) Market by Value 3.2.3 Global EDA IC Physical Design and Verification Market by Value 3.2.4 Global EDA PCB & MCM Market by Value 3.2.5 Global EDA Services Market by Value 3.3 Global EDA Market as a Share of Semiconductor Market 3.4 Global EDA Market Employees by Volume 3.5 Global EDA Market by Region 4 . Regional Market Analysis
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