Electrical Gems #166 Dec 2021 - Jan 2022 | Page 26





raining is obviously the path to qualification , but it ’ s not something that should come to a grinding halt once you have your licence . Oh , no no no ! Learning is part of everyday life as an electrician ; our industry is at the forefront of technological development , and gaining the extra know-how is what gives you a competitive edge .
But ongoing training can also pay dividends for morale , motivation and good mental health . Here are just a few of the reasons to embrace training opportunities in your workplace .
Be safe : In the electrical business , learning is intrinsically linked to safety . The more you
know , the better equipped you ’ ll be to prevent and / or deal with potentially dangerous situations , and to safeguard yourself and others against injury and even death .
Be happy : Training leads to an increase in self-confidence . If you know what you ’ re doing , you ’ ll feel comfortable in your work and you won ’ t feel inferior to others . From an employer ’ s perspective , a happy workforce means lower staff turnover , which will save you having to start again from scratch .
Be productive : Training brings with it a positive attitude . Workers who get to expand their knowledge feel valued , and can see a sense of progression , which increases motivation levels . And that ultimately improves the results of the business as a whole . Be successful : Who they gonna call ? If you ’ re trained in a
specific area of new technology , you ’ re going to be the one on speed dial . Learning about the latest products and industry developments means you ’ re at the cutting edge , and there won ’ t be too many others there with you .
AT THE WHOLESALER Often , the best way to learn about the latest technologies and the products that go with
them is through your friendly wholesaler . Most suppliers who sell through the Gemcell network work with wholesalers to offer access to training as new products hit the shelves .
Vincent Law is quality and compliance manager at Hager , which provides training to its customers through wholesalers .
“ Training needs are typically discussed between our customers — wholesalers partners — and the local sales rep on an as-needed basis ,” says Law .
“ The electrical space in Australia is changing at a pace much quicker than we realise , whether this be changes in rules and regulations , or the introduction of new technologies .
“ As a responsible supplier to the Australian market , it is our duty to ensure our customers are kept up to date with new and
26 GEMCELL . COM . AU DEC – JAN 2022