Electrical Gems #151 | Page 48

ROUND-UP DOWN TOOLS JOKES LOOK BEHIND YOU! ate one night a burglar broke into a house, and while he was sneaking around he heard a voice say, “Jesus is watching you.” He looked around and saw nothing. He kept on creeping and again heard a voice say, ”Jesús is watching you.” In a dark corner, he saw a cage with a parrot inside. The burglar approached the cage, shone his torch at the parrot, and asked, “Was it you who said Jesus is watching me?” The parrot replied, “Yes.” Relieved, the burglar asked, “What’s your name?” “Clarence,” the parrot said. “That’s a stupid name for a parrot,” replied the burglar. “What idiot named you Clarence?” The parrot answered, “The same idiot that named that Rottweiler over there Jesus.” L n I saw a magician yesterday. He turned everyone in the audience into wind turbines. Immediately I became a big fan. n I’ve never liked Russian dolls. They’re just so full of themselves. n Why can’t you breed an eel with an eagle? It’s eeleagle n It’s impossible to starve in the desert, because of all the sand which is there. n My friend asked me to stop making references to Bruce Willis movies. Sorry mate, old habits die hard. n In a recent job interview, I was asked if I could perform under pressure. “I don’t know about that,” I said. “But I can do a great Bohemian Rhapsody.” n I have a terrible fear of giants. Feefiphobia. n If I ever find the doctor who messed up my limb replacement surgery, I’ll kill him with my bear hands. n Why did the scarecrow win an achievement award? He was outstanding in his field. n Some mornings I wake up grumpy. Other days I let her lie in. n A man is walking through his local shopping mall and sees a Mexican bookstore. He goes in – he’s curious, he’s never seen a Mexican bookstore before. He browses through the store and finally asks the shop assistant, “Do you have the book on Donald Trump’s foreign policies with Mexico?” The clerk gets irate. “**** you, get out, stay out!” The man replies, “Yeah, that’s the one!” 48 GEMCELL.COM.AU JUN – JUL 2019 FACTS TO AMAZE YOUR MATES n ‘Texas’ is Norwegian slang for crazy. n The Very Hungry Caterpillar was originally called A Week with Willie Worm. n In 2000, Blockbuster Video turned down the opportunity to acquire a new movie streaming service called Netflix. n Cows produce five times more saliva than they do milk. n The people most likely to suffer injuries at work are hairdressers.