Electrical Contracting News (ECN) October 2016 | Page 36

DISTRIBUTION BOARDS Traditional basic metering systems cannot meet such requirements and have normally only been capable of monitoring total energy use, rather than collecting the intelligence and information needed to analyse how and where energy is being used. The old adage ‘if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it’ rings true, but the ability even with new distribution systems to make extensive provision for metering on the scale demanded is costly and often inconvenient. When it comes to retrofitting systems, the challenges, complications and issues are further multiplied. In the intervening years Hager has worked with the industry to provide solutions designed to support compliance with the legislative requirements of Part L2. This has now led to the recent launch of a new integrated power and lighting board with plug-in metering systems. The market demand to help satisfy the requirements of Part L2 has driven development in this area, with calls from electrical contractors and engineers for easy and quick submetering installation solutions. Power and lighting The proven savings in terms of installation time, labour cost and system flexibility are tangible. 35-36 Distribution Boards – Hager.indd 36 The answer now lies in the availability of a single, off-the-shelf power and lighting board metering system that can provide safe, reliable and proven performance characteristics across install, connect and reconnection projects, both in bespoke factory assembled power and lighting boards, as well as retrofit installations. The new solution provides an integrated plug-in metering answer which drastically reduces installation and testing times, labour cost and resource demands on site, as well as impacting positively on wiring error rates. Projects can be finalised without delay, allowing contractors to move swiftly to the next stage of installation. The introduction of a combined pulsed/ Modbus output meter means the installer can fit a single solution regardless of the monitoring or data capture requirements for the commercial building under its Part L2 commitments. Plug and play connections for both current and voltage inputs and outputs (whether pre-wired or as a fully pluggable system) ensure that the metering is connected correctly and the results can be relied upon totally. With the continued competitive pressure on electrical contractors and engineers to maximise operational efficiencies and get to project completion without delay, the proven savings in terms of installation time, labour cost and system flexibility are tangible. Simplified solutions of this type offer greater connectivity, increased energy monitoring and measurement capability for building operators and managers who, by law, have to comply with an ever stringent regulatory regime. Electrical contractors who seek out the benefits of a new, innovative and integrated approach to commercial building metering can now reap the rewards of quicker and cheaper installations, without any long term compromise to system performance, productivity and effectiveness. 12/09/2016 12:36