SWA’S patented new cable companion solves the
tricky problem of cables snagging on the drum.
WA says the Cable
Companion’s simple, but
ingenious, swinging tension
arm keeps cable properly
wound on its reel at all
times, even when it is not
being pulled.
The maker adds that when pulling
cable, the product makes the job quicker,
easier and hassle free with no more
returning to the drum to sort out tangles
and snags. Reels are securely mounted
on Cable Companion with a strong, easy
to use catch for added robust reliability.
The 360° rotational design means that
cable can be pulled in any direction or to
any height. Alternatively, the dispenser can
be locked in one position. Cable Companion
features a sturdy and stable fl oor-standing
frame, but the range also includes a special
cable Cable
makes the
job quicker,
easier and
hassle free.’
bracket for clamping the dispenser to joists,
so it’s a strong solution for use in lofts, too.
The Cable Companion also folds away
fl at, making it convenient to transport in
the van and store. Built to last, SWA says
its robust metal construction will give
many years of service.
For further information visit:
Cable & Cable Management
August 2017 | 21