Danesfield House Hotel and Spa has enlisted the help of Hamilton-Litestat to meet its energy saving requirements , whilst staying true to its period style . Claire Fletcher checks in to make sure the classic wasn ’ t compromised .
Danesfield House Hotel and Spa is a Grade 2 Italian Renaissance style manor that was built in 1901 . Set high in the Chiltern Hills amongst 65 acres of magnificent landscaped gardens , Danesfield House was designed by architect WH . Romaine-Walker . In 1991 the building was repurposed as a luxury hotel that prides itself on offering state-of-the-art opulence , quality and comfort in a historic setting . In 2015 , Danesfield House Hotel and Spa embarked on a long term refurbishment programme across the hotel to further modernise the property and take the guest experience to the next level .
Hamilton ensured that all electrical accessories were coordinated .
Luxury décor
Danesfield House Hotel and Spa was looking to install a competitively priced dimming system in 12 bedroom suites to improve energy savings and reduce both the business ’ carbon footprint and expenditure . However , to ensure that the system was in keeping with the luxury décor of the hotel , the controls for the lighting system and all other electrical accessories needed to have a coordinated design and be in keeping with the period property , while also being easy and intuitive to use for hotel guests .
Familiar with Hamilton Litestat ’ s extensive range of quality solutions from previous joint projects , Danesfield House
32 | April 2017