Electric Vehicles Global Market & Volume Motors April 2016 | Page 2

Global Electric Vehicles Market & Volume ( Plug-in , Battery , Hybrid , Fuel Cell ) Motors According to our research findings we expect that Global Electric Vehicles market will be more than US $ 100 Billion industry by 2020 . Hybrid Electric Vehicle holds the highest market share , but Battery Electric Vehicles market share is increasing year on year . Toyata holds the highest market share but Tesla , Mitsubishi , Renault – Nissan expected to give a tough competition by 2020 .
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Global Electric Vehicles Market & Volume ( Plug-in , Battery , Hybrid , Fuel Cell ) Motors According to our research findings we expect that Global Electric Vehicles market will be more than US $ 100 Billion industry by 2020 . Hybrid Electric Vehicle holds the highest market share , but Battery Electric Vehicles market share is increasing year on year . Toyata holds the highest market share but Tesla , Mitsubishi , Renault – Nissan expected to give a tough competition by 2020 .

Research study titled “ Global Electric Vehicles Market & Volume ( Plug-in , Battery , Hybrid , Fuel Cell ) Motors ” provides a comprehensive assessment of the fast – evolving , high – growth electric car market . This report studies separate sales analysis of four companies : Tesla , Mitsubishi , Toyota and Renault – Nissan . A five year historic analysis is also provided for these markets . This 63 page report with 45 Figures studies the Global
Electric Vehicles market from 6 view points :
Market and Forecast Market Share and Forecast By Technological Segment ( PHEV , BEV , HEV , FCEV ) Market and Forecast Market Volume and ForecastBy Technological Segment ( PHEV , BEV , HEV , FCEV ) Market Volume and Forecast Company Sales Analysis
Key Companies covered in the report are as follows : TeslaMitsubishi Toyota Renault – Nissan

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