-Rituparna Das,EEE(3/4)
Remember those good old days, when you played hide and seek, hopscotch, ice and water, coconutcoconut, seven stones, chain cut.. And there are myriads on the list. If you are one of those born in
the nineties, i bet you would have the reminiscence of playing them as kids.
That was the time when you loved being outdoors, and if not for a worried mom or an angry dad,
you would have continued staying out as long as possible. Imagining yourself to be the main
protagonist of the Jungle Book, you would incessantly go on learning new things from friends, nature
and also absorbing every new experience you encounter. To appreciate nature is an art which many
adults fail to do, whereas kids are keener to be one with the pristine nature. Surprisingly, as the earth
is ageing and humanity evolving we are becoming more and more hostile to our mother nature. Now
a days, people lead a sedentary lifestyle, glued to the screens of electronic gadgets, they find it hard
to enjoy a fresh, cool caressing breeze.
Kids of 2050 may probably have the memories of growing up playing angry birds and temple run!
There will probably be an App for every possible thing one could ever imagine. This will make life easy
but shall also make man more mechanical and surrounded in this concrete jungle, men may actually
act like heartless, virtual robots.
Alas! We might end up stating-‘Somewhere something went terribly wrong!’
Unfortunately, today’s GenNext counts on anti-depressants and sedatives to overcome stress and
depression. In this world of cut-throat competition and showmanship, everyone wants to be the
winner. Jealousy, envy, selfishness are outweighing compassion, empathy and forbearance...
Thus it is important that we retain our childlike perspective. It has been proved scientifically that
children and even adults who have such kind of outlook can retain more of their positive memories
than the negative ones. Consequently enabling them to live life to the fullest...
There is a thin line differentiating the childlike perspective from childish behavior. One must carefully
try and avoid the childish behavior, yet retaining the childlike outlook...
As the time tested dictum goes –too much of anything can be bad. So it is best to have a balanced life.
Too much of selfish greed at the cost of vandalizing nature and human values can be seriously
perilous, on an otherwise blissful earth.