ELECTRAGE Electrage 2013-14 | Page 28

Wind of Change Durga Hari Kiran B Vishnu Prasad M The wind of change is blowing in electricity markets. Due to greenhouse effects and depleting fossil fuels, power sector is looking for an alternative source of energy. The wind power has all answers to the inquest of today’s electricity markets. Wind energy has made great strides, by December 2013 the worldwide total name plate capacity is of 320 GW and out of which India’s share is of 20GW. Currently India is at 5th position, but stands at a difference of 70 GW to China which is at 2nd. Wind power is progressing in technology over the past few years. Those advances have been made in the components involved with the utility integration, the electrical machine, the power electronic converters, and the control capability. Wind energy sector have advanced significantly starting from the simple induction generator with soft start to the controlling of the real and reactive power output of the machine, positive ramp rate of the machine and control voltage. In near future we will be able to incorporate governor functions and controlled ramp-down during high wind speeds. The advancement in the technology calls for the understanding the needs of the power system, machine capabilities, power converter and controls and potential to put the entire picture together. As Electrical Engineers it is our responsibility to enhance our knowledge towards the Wind Power and to help our nation for greater good. 27