ELECTRAGE Electrage 2013-14 | Page 19

FACULTY PROFILE  Dr. Sydulu Maheshwarapu, Professor. Research Interests: Real Time Control of Power Systems, Distribution Systems, Applications of ANN, Fuzzy and Genetic Algorithms.  Dr. D. M. Vinod Kumar, Professor Research Interests: Power Systems deregulation & restructuring, Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Power Systems, Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS), and Energy Management Systems (EMS).  Dr. D. V. S. S. Siva Sarma, Professor. Research Interests: Design and Condition Monitoring of High Voltage Equipment, Power system Transients, Power System Transmission & Protection, EMTP applications, Power Quality, Microprocessor Applications. Power System Transients, FACTS, Micro Processor Based Application, Design & Testing of HV Power apparatus, EMTP applications.  Dr. N. Subhramanyam, Professor and Head   Research Interests: Computer organization and architecture, Distribution Systems, 16-bit Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Economic operation of Power Systems, Computer programming, HVDC systems and power systems control hardware Dr. Bhagwan K. Murthy, Professor Research Interests: Power Electronics & Drives, DSP Applications to drives, Digital Control Systems, Renewable Energy, and Electromagnetic Fields Variable Speed Generation Using Induction Generator for Wave Energy Applications Dr. V. T. Somasekhar, Professor Research Interests: Power Electronics & Drives, Simulation of Power Electronics Converters and Drives, Multilevel inversion through Open-end winding configuration for Induction motor drives  Dr. N. Vishwanathan, Professor Research Interests: Power Electronics & Drives, Switched mode power conversion.  Dr. N. V. Srikanth, Associate Professor  Research Interests: Power Systems Stabilizers, Power Systems Stability and Control and AI techniques application to power systems, Real-time FACTS modeling and Analysis. Dr. S. SrinivasaRao, Associate Professor Research Interests: Power Electronics & DSP Controlled AC devices, Non- conventional Energy sources.  Dr. M. SailajaKumari, Associate Professor. Research Interests: Reactive Power Control in Power Systems  Sri Ch. Venkaiah, Associate Professor. Research Interests: Power System Deregulation, Power System Data Warehouse, AI Techniques in Power Systems, Soft Computing in Power System.