ELECTRAGE Electrage 2013-14 | Page 16

COURSES OFFERED The department offers B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering with an intake of 110 students every year and M.Tech programme in two streams, one in Power systems-Engineering and another in Power Electronics & Drives, each with an annual intake of 38 students. In addition to these programmes the department also offers Ph.D. programme with 26 scholars pursuing their doctoral studies currently. The department has also introduced courses on Artificial Intelligence techniques in power system and power system deregulation at PG level for the first time in Andhra Pradesh. DEPARTMENT LABORATORIES The department is backed up by 6 highly efficient Laboratories encompassing the following practical domains:          Electrical Machines Lab. Electrical Measurements Lab. Control Systems Lab. Design & Simulation Lab. Power Systems Lab. Power Electronic & Drives Lab. Electrical Circuits Lab. Microprocessors Lab. High Voltage Lab. The laboratories boast of state of the art Equipment & contemporary software tools like MATLAB, PSPICE, PSCAD/EMTDC, PSIM etc. The students are exposed to the best experimental practices under expert guidance from faculty members & laboratory staff.